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How to Store Your Fishing Magnets

If you’re new to fishing magnets, it’s very easy to mistakenly treat them like they’re your ordinary fridge magnets, or like the magnets that come with science kits for kids.

These fishing magnets aren’t ordinary at all, as their magnetic force is measured in the hundreds of pounds.

A good fishing magnet has at least a pulling force of 500 pounds, meaning that n object of that weight can attach to the magnet and its weight won’t pull it off.

Some magnets are so powerful that if you use them as fridge magnets, you might even move the fridge itself when you try to take it off!

Why Be Careful?

The magnetic forces of these fishing magnets are dangerous for electronics around the home. They can damage your computer and your USB sticks, your smartphone, and your TV.

Even your wristwatch may get damaged, as the strong magnetic pulling force may affect the tiny metal gears and components inside your expensive Swiss mechanical watch.

These reasons are why you have to take a lot of care with your magnets, even when you’re just bringing them along with you on the way to the river bank for magnet fishing. When you’re not using them, you have to store them safely as well.

Helpful Storage Tips

So how do you store these fishing magnets safely? Here are some tips:

Use the “Official Packaging”

Try to make sure you save the shipping and packaging materials these fishing magnets came in when they were delivered to your home.

The manufacturers are all required to follow stringent guidelines regarding proper shipping and packaging for their magnets. That’s because these magnets are powerful enough that they may damage electronic items nearby.

The packaging “blocks” the magnetic pull of the magnets.

Also, these powerful magnets are prone to chipping when thrown about haphazardly. The packaging will protect the magnets from damage.

Alternative Options and Additional Tips

If you’ve lost the original packaging, you can use alternative storage materials.

  • When you’re using or storing your fishing magnets, keep your smartphone and wristwatch far away from the magnets.
  • Start with a large ice cooler to place the magnet inside. That way, you have lots of space for other blocking materials plus you increase the distance from items that the magnets may damage.
  • Buy a keeper bar or magnetic shielding that’s made of metallic panels. The metal will then seem to absorb the magnetic pull, and block its effects from other items in your home.
  • You can also try foam and wooden crates around the magnet. These should be at least 2.5 inches in thickness, to block the magnetic pull.
  • Cover the magnet in some form of wrapping, as the magnetic pull is strong enough to attract even ferrous particles in the air and from the surfaces around the magnet.
  • The magnets have to be stored in an area where the humidity is low and the temperature is mild. If the temperature is too high, corrosion may damage the magnet and the magnetic field may get weaker.
  • If the humidity level is too high, then moisture may also degrade the magnet. You have to store it in a dry place.
  • Obviously, keep the cooler and the storage area far away from your household electronic items. You don’t want to risk your electronic items getting damaged.
  • If you have more than 1 magnet, keep them away from one another. It’s best if you have separate coolers for each, because the magnets may interact and weaken each other’s magnetic field.
  • If you have to set 2 magnets in the same cooler, keep them far apart with lots of foam and wood blocking the magnetic pull. Their north poles should also face opposite directions (meaning that without the foam and wood blockers, the magnets will attract one another).


All these precautions emphasize the fact that these fishing magnets aren’t ordinary and innocuous. They can do a lot of harm to various household items if you’re not careful.

When handling your magnets, you may inadvertently let them get too near a metallic surface. That can cause them to impact hard on the metallic surface, resulting in chips or even damage to your fingers.

Hopefully, you’ve read this guide on fishing magnet storage before you throw away the packaging it came in. Those materials will certainly help in storing your fishing magnets safely!


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